Junk Removal Drive in Okanagan

Residents from North Westside Road in the Okanagan will have a chance to dispose of their unwanted bulky items starting today, Wednesday June 36th, through Monday, July 8th.

During this time, they’ll have the chance to drop off items by the truckload at the North Westside Road Transit Station for just $20. This is only for residential bulk items, such as appliances, scrap metal, household and/or lawn furniture. The one caveat is there won’t be any electronic waste recycling, since they are not accepting hazardous materials. 

This measure is a great alternative to hiring a junk removal service, which may not be an option in remote areas. 

The North Westside Transfer Station’s operating hours are Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am until 12:00 noon.

Would your area benefit from a measure like this?

Call us today! 1-800-865-9137